The Mount Pleasant Community Centre
Certifications & Awards
Project Team
- Architect: Perkins+Will Canada
Green Building Audio

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Interview with David Dove - Principal, Perkins+Will Canada
Interview with David Dove - Principal, Perkins+Will Canada
The Mount Pleasant Centre is a gleaming multi-service civic centre with virtually everything under the roof. The heart of the building is the new Community Centre, featuring a gym and climbing wall, a fitness centre, dancing studio, multi-purpose rooms and outdoor space. Mount Pleasant Centre also houses a new Vancouver Public Library, Child Development Centre, café and market value rental housing.
30,750 sq ft community centre
12,000 sq ft library
6,800 sq ft child care facility
98 units rental housing
Sustainability Features
This project reflects Vancouver's CityPlan vision for developing neighbourhood centres that bring together multiple civic services. Principles of sustainability have guided the planning and design of this project to result in a healthy and efficient building.
Sustainable Site
- former brownfield
- well-connected: bike routes, pedestrians, Wellness Walkway, 5 buses
- provided reduced/shared parking
- landscaped & reflective roofs
- light control
Water Efficiency
- landscaping irrigation - used drought tolerant plants, and cistern distributes stormwater for all watering needs
- water use reduced by 30% via dual-flush toilets, low flow showers/sinks, appliance selection
Energy and Atmosphere
Reduced energy use via:
- HVAC strategies: geothermal heating and cooling; earth duct for fresh air; atrium relief (stack effect); effective building envelope; demand ventilation control (occupancy); occupant education and sensors
- equipment selection
Materials and Resources
- effective construction waste management
- recycled content, materials harvested locally or manufactured locally
Indoor Environmental Quality
- low VOC: paints, adhesives, carpets
- operable windows
- daylight & views for 90% of area
- 100% fresh air
Audio Tour of this building
This building is part of the City of Vancouver Green Building Audio Tour, a collection of audio recordings about Vancouver's greenest buildings. Each three-minute recording takes the listener on a virtual 'tour' of the building's green design features, guided by the architect or member of the design team. You can listen to them online, via podcast, or via your cell phone by calling 604-673-8150. The Vancouver Green Building Audio Tours were created through a partnership between City of Vancouver Sustainability Office and the Open Green Building Society.
To hear the audio guide for this building click on the player at the top of the left sidebar on this webpage, or dial 604-673-8150 and enter code 09 or 10.